React JS Tutorials
React JS Tutorials
1. Introduction to React
- What is React? Why use React?
- Setting up a React development environment
- Understanding JSX (JavaScript XML)
- React vs. Vanilla JavaScript
- React Components and Component-Based Architecture
2. React Basics
- Functional Components vs. Class Components
- Props in React – Passing Data to Components
- State in React – Managing Component State
- Handling Events in React
- Conditional Rendering in React
3. React Advanced Concepts
- React Hooks Introduction (useState, useEffect)
- React Lifecycle Methods (Class Components)
- Context API – Global State Management
- useReducer Hook – Alternative to useState
- Custom Hooks – Creating Reusable Logic
4. React Styling
- Inline Styles in React
- CSS Modules in React
- Styled Components – CSS-in-JS
- Tailwind CSS with React
- Using Bootstrap in React
5. React Routing
- Introduction to React Router
- Setting up React Router (BrowserRouter, Routes, Link)
- Dynamic Routing and Route Parameters
- Redirects and Navigation in React
- Protected Routes and Authentication
6. Forms and User Input Handling
- Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Components
- Handling Forms in React (onChange, onSubmit)
- Form Validation with React
- Using Form Libraries like React Hook Form
- File Upload in React
7. State Management in React
- React Context API vs. Redux
- Introduction to Redux and Actions, Reducers
- Managing State with Redux Toolkit
- Zustand – Lightweight State Management
- React Query for Data Fetching and State Management
8. API Calls and Data Fetching
- Fetch API in React
- Using Axios to Fetch Data in React
- Handling API Errors in React
- Working with RESTful APIs in React
- Using GraphQL with React
9. Performance Optimization in React
- React.memo for Component Optimization
- useCallback and useMemo Hooks
- Lazy Loading and Code Splitting
- Virtual DOM and Reconciliation in React
- Optimizing Performance with React Profiler
10. Testing in React
- Introduction to React Testing Library
- Writing Unit Tests in React
- Testing React Components with Jest
- Debugging React Applications
- End-to-End Testing with Cypress