React JS Tutorials

React JS Tutorials

1. Introduction to React

  1. What is React? Why use React?
  2. Setting up a React development environment
  3. Understanding JSX (JavaScript XML)
  4. React vs. Vanilla JavaScript
  5. React Components and Component-Based Architecture

2. React Basics

  1. Functional Components vs. Class Components
  2. Props in React – Passing Data to Components
  3. State in React – Managing Component State
  4. Handling Events in React
  5. Conditional Rendering in React

3. React Advanced Concepts

  1. React Hooks Introduction (useState, useEffect)
  2. React Lifecycle Methods (Class Components)
  3. Context API – Global State Management
  4. useReducer Hook – Alternative to useState
  5. Custom Hooks – Creating Reusable Logic

4. React Styling

  1. Inline Styles in React
  2. CSS Modules in React
  3. Styled Components – CSS-in-JS
  4. Tailwind CSS with React
  5. Using Bootstrap in React

5. React Routing

  1. Introduction to React Router
  2. Setting up React Router (BrowserRouter, Routes, Link)
  3. Dynamic Routing and Route Parameters
  4. Redirects and Navigation in React
  5. Protected Routes and Authentication

6. Forms and User Input Handling

  1. Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Components
  2. Handling Forms in React (onChange, onSubmit)
  3. Form Validation with React
  4. Using Form Libraries like React Hook Form
  5. File Upload in React

7. State Management in React

  1. React Context API vs. Redux
  2. Introduction to Redux and Actions, Reducers
  3. Managing State with Redux Toolkit
  4. Zustand – Lightweight State Management
  5. React Query for Data Fetching and State Management

8. API Calls and Data Fetching

  1. Fetch API in React
  2. Using Axios to Fetch Data in React
  3. Handling API Errors in React
  4. Working with RESTful APIs in React
  5. Using GraphQL with React

9. Performance Optimization in React

  1. React.memo for Component Optimization
  2. useCallback and useMemo Hooks
  3. Lazy Loading and Code Splitting
  4. Virtual DOM and Reconciliation in React
  5. Optimizing Performance with React Profiler

10. Testing in React

  1. Introduction to React Testing Library
  2. Writing Unit Tests in React
  3. Testing React Components with Jest
  4. Debugging React Applications
  5. End-to-End Testing with Cypress