HTML Tutorials

Here’s a list of HTML learning topics, arranged from beginner to advanced:

Beginner HTML Topics:

  1. HTML Introduction: What is HTML?
  2. HTML Hello World: Setting Up Your First HTML Page
  3. HTML Documents: (<!DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, <body>)
  4. HTML Headings (<h1> to <h6>)
  5. HTML Paragraphs and Line Breaks (<p>, <br>)
  6. HTML Text Formatting (<b>, <i>, <u>, <strong>, <em>)
  7. HTML Lists: Ordered (<ol>), Unordered (<ul>), and Description (<dl>)
  8. HTML Links (<a>), Internal and External
  9. HTML Images (<img>), Adding and Resizing
  10. HTML Tables (<table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>)
  11. HTML Forms (<form>, <input>, <label>, <textarea>, <button>)
  12. HTML Form Elements: Text, Radio, Checkbox, Submit, Dropdowns
  13. HTML Form Validation (Required Fields, Email, Numbers)
  14. HTML Comments (<!-- Comment -->)
  15. HTML Entities and Symbols (&amp;, &lt;, &gt;)
  16. HTML Colors (Named Colors, Hex, RGB)
  17. HTML Attributes (Global and Element-Specific)
  18. HTML Meta Tags (<meta> for SEO and Social Media)
  19. HTML Block vs Inline Elements
  20. HTML Iframes (<iframe>) - Embedding Other Web Pages
  21. HTML Audio (<audio>), Embedding Sound
  22. HTML Video (<video>, <source>, <track>)
  23. HTML Buttons (<button> vs <input type="button">)
  24. HTML Div (<div>) and Span (<span>)
  25. HTML Semantic Elements (<article>, <section>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>)

Intermediate HTML Topics:

  1. HTML Forms: Action and Method Attributes
  2. HTML5 Input Types (date, email, number, range, etc.)
  3. HTML5 Placeholder and Autofocus Attributes
  4. HTML5 Local Storage (localStorage and sessionStorage)
  5. HTML5 Web Workers (Background Processing)
  6. HTML5 Geolocation API (Getting User Location)
  7. HTML5 Drag and Drop API
  8. HTML5 Canvas (<canvas>) - Drawing Graphics
  9. HTML5 SVG (<svg>) - Scalable Vector Graphics
  10. HTML Data Attributes (data-*)
  11. HTML Accessibility (ARIA Roles, Alt Text, Keyboard Navigation)
  12. HTML Responsive Design Basics
  13. HTML Responsive Images (<picture>, srcset, sizes)
  14. HTML Tables Advanced (Rowspan, Colspan, Captions)
  15. HTML Forms Advanced (File Upload, Custom Validations)
  16. HTML Embedding External Content (<object>, <embed>, <param>)

Advanced HTML Topics:

  1. HTML Best Practices (Clean Code, Readability)
  2. HTML SEO Basics (Meta Descriptions, Heading Tags, Canonical URLs)
  3. HTML and CSS Integration (Inline, Internal, External CSS)
  4. HTML and JavaScript (DOM Manipulation)
  5. HTML Email Templates (Tables for Layout)
  6. HTML Print Styles (@media print in CSS)
  7. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and HTML
  8. HTML with Bootstrap (Creating Responsive Websites)
  9. HTML Performance Optimization (Minification, Lazy Loading)