HTML Embedding External Content

HTML Embedding External Content (`<object>`, `<embed>`, `<param>`)

HTML allows you to embed external content directly into your webpages. In this article, we’ll explore three important tags for this purpose: <object>, <embed>, and <param>. We’ll explain what each tag does, how they work together, and provide real-world examples to help you understand their usage.

What Are These Tags?

  • <object>
    The <object> tag is a versatile element used to embed external resources such as PDFs, multimedia files, or even other HTML pages into your document. It allows you to include fallback content if the external resource isn’t supported by the browser.

  • <embed>
    The <embed> tag is a self-contained element used to include external content like videos, audio, or interactive media. Although it is not part of the official HTML5 specification, it is widely supported by modern browsers.

  • <param>
    The <param> tag is used inside an <object> element to pass additional parameters to the embedded content. These parameters can control aspects like quality, autoplay settings, or other configuration details.

Using the <object> Tag

The <object> tag lets you display various types of content by specifying the file’s location and type. Here’s a simple example where we embed a PDF file:

<object data="path/to/your-file.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="600" height="400">
  <p>Your browser does not support PDFs.
     <a href="path/to/your-file.pdf">Download the PDF</a>.</p>


  • data: The URL of the file you want to embed.
  • type: The MIME type of the file (in this case, a PDF).
  • width/height: The dimensions of the embedded content.
  • Fallback content inside the <object> tag ensures that if the browser can’t display the PDF, users can still download it.

Using the <embed> Tag

The <embed> tag offers a simpler way to insert content like videos or audio files. Here’s an example embedding a video file:

<embed src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="600" height="400">


  • src: The path to your video file.
  • type: The MIME type (here, a video in MP4 format).
  • width/height: Specifies the size of the video player on your page.

This tag works well in modern browsers and is great for quickly adding multimedia content.

Using the <param> Tag

When you need to provide extra information to an embedded object, you can use the <param> tag. This tag goes inside the <object> element. For example, if you are embedding a Flash file (historically common), you might use:

<object data="movie.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550" height="400">
  <param name="quality" value="high">
  <param name="autoplay" value="false">
  <p>Your browser does not support Flash content.</p>


  • <param name="quality" value="high">: Sets the quality of the movie to high.
  • <param name="autoplay" value="false">: Prevents the movie from playing automatically.
  • Fallback content ensures that users are informed if their browser does not support Flash.

Even though Flash is less common today, the <param> tag is still useful when you need to pass parameters to any embedded object.

Real-World Example: Embedding a Video and Providing Fallback Content

Imagine you have a webpage where you want to showcase a product video. You can use <embed> for a quick solution, and <object> for more complex embedding with fallback support.

Using <embed> for a Simple Video

<embed src="product-video.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360">

This code quickly adds your product video to the page. However, if you want to add fallback content, consider the <object> tag instead.

Using <object> with Fallback Content

<object data="product-video.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360">
  <p>Your browser does not support embedded videos. Please <a href="product-video.mp4">download the video</a> to view it.</p>

This approach ensures that if the browser cannot play the video, your users still receive a message with an option to download the video.


Embedding external content into your webpages is straightforward with HTML. You can use:

  • <object> for flexible embedding with fallback options.
  • <embed> for quick integration of media files.
  • <param> to provide necessary parameters for embedded objects.

These tags empower you to enhance your webpages by integrating various media types while ensuring a good user experience across different browsers. Happy coding!

Further Reading